About UsThis homepage is based on activities carried out in Northern Ghana in 2008 by the University of Copenhagen, Denmark. Since 2000/2002, the University of Copenhagen has been collaborating with the University of Ghana on the GDArch project. This collaboration is supported by DANIDA and aimed at capacity building in Ghana, advanced education, and research. The GDArch is operationally co-directed by Prof. Dr. Klavs Randsborg of University of Copenhagen and Dr. Yaw Bredwa-Mensah. Klavs Randsborg was directing the Kasana Project; Dr. Inga Merkyte was field-director. Ghana Museums & Monuments Board gave great support by way of its regional director in Wa, Mr. Poul Avieli Duon-Naa. Mr. Yussif Bononmia, also known as “Destiny” has undertaken the burden of all the practicalities, as well as the on-going coordination of visitor activities. Related link: www.worldarchaeology.org From left: Inga, Klavs & Lilith, in a rock-shelter The research group: Front row, from left: Abdulsalam & Yussif. Back row, from left: Mr. Paul, Andreas, Albert, Hanna, Appiah, Lilith & Moses.